Make an
impact today

At Barney Creek Vineyard Cottages, our commitment to supporting families of neurodivergent children goes beyond hosting retreats.

We are deeply passionate about fostering a community where autism and other neurodiverse conditions are understood, respected, and celebrated.

As parents of two neurodiverse children, we have experienced first-hand the challenges and triumphs that come with raising children who think and experience the world differently. This personal journey has fuelled our mission to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these families.

Why give?

  • Raising Awareness: Educating the community about autism and other neurodiverse conditions to dispel myths and reduce stigma.

  • Fostering Understanding: Creating opportunities for meaningful conversations that promote empathy and acceptance.

  • Building Community Support: Connecting families with resources, support networks, and each other to create a strong, unified community.

  • Promoting Research: Supporting initiatives that advance the understanding of neurodiversity and develop effective interventions.

  • Developing Resources: Creating and providing access to tools and programs that help neurodiverse individuals navigate and excel in various aspects of life.

  • Advocating for Inclusion: Working towards a society where neurodiverse individuals are fully included and valued in all areas, from education to the workplace.

Make a donation.

Together, we can create a world where neurodiverse individuals are understood, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. Whether you're a parent, a professional, or someone passionate about making a positive change, there's a place for you in our community.


  • Every dollar raised is gratefully received by Autism Queensland and contributes to a life of participation, opportunity and choice for autistic people. Your valued donation assists Autism Queensland to deliver specialised education, therapy, support services and evidence-informed practice across the disability sector.

  • Donations over $2 are eligible for a tax deductible receipt. After you receive a donation to your fundraising page the donor will be automatically emailed a receipt. If you are a donor and have misplaced this please contact  with your details.